Our Vision
Founded by artist Carlo Maria Rossi, who also serves as its director and visionary, No Name is an artist residency located in the ancient town of Zhujiajiao, Shanghai. As a dynamic art space, No Name aims to attract art professionals and institutions from around the world, fostering creative energy and inspiring conversations. All forms of artistic practices are welcomed and supported here. We hope the presence of No Name can pave the way for new possibilities in living and working.
由艺术家兼导演及创意领袖Carlo Maria Rossi创立的No Name,位于上海朱家角古镇,是一个艺术家驻地空间。作为一个多元化的艺术空间,No Name致力于吸引世界各地的艺术人士与机构,激发创作能量并启发对话。任何形式的艺术创作都在这里被接纳并支持。我们希望No Name的存在能够开启一种全新的生活与工作方式。
The Story
"No Name" was originally inspired by the "Anonymous Painting Collective", an underground painters group that initiated China's first modern art revolution. "Anonymous Painting Collective" represents avant-garde art from the early 1960s to the 1970s in China in a sense. It adheres to its belief of "art for the sake of art", it rejected kitsch and refused to compromise for benefits. The member artists' maverick in art and spiritual freedom gave them the strength to confront cruel and impermanent times. "Anonymous Painting Collective" inspired the original vision of No Name Studio to initiate a new wave of contemporary urban art in China. "No Name" is a tribute to the predecessor artists and is also a motif of self-drive and encouragement.
「No Name」这个名字最初的灵感来源于「无名画会」,发起中国第一个现代艺术革命的地下画家团体。在某种意义上,「无名画会」是 60 年代初到 70 年代之间的前卫艺术。它秉承为「为艺术而艺术」的信念,拒绝媚俗,拒绝利益妥协。艺术上的特立独行和精神上的自由给予了 ta 们面对残酷和无常时光的力量。No Name Studio 最初的愿景也是希望能够发起中国当代城市艺术的新浪潮。「No Name」这个名字,是对先辈艺术家们的致敬,更是对自我的驱动和勉励。
The Residency Location
Known as the “Venice of Shanghai,” Zhujiajiao is one of the top 4 cultural ancient towns, located about 48 km west from Shanghai downtown. Its 1700-year-old history makes it a dazzling pearl that continuously attracts local and foreign tourists. The glistening river and floating boats are in harmony with thousands of architectures from the Ming-Qing dynasty, picturing an ink painting that brings people an immersive experience.
朱家角被称为“上海的威尼斯,” 是位于上海市中心以西48km的四大名镇之一。1700年的历史使它成为了一直以来吸引着当地和外国游客的耀眼明珠。波光粼粼的河上漂浮着船只与数千座明清建筑相映成趣,绘成了一幅水墨画使人沉醉其中。
No Name In Town Gallery
With the official launch of the first location of No Name In Town, No Name’s exclusive "Outside City Creation, Inside City Exhibition" mode has begun to take shape. In the near future, No Name will continue to apply the concept into practice and bring what “created outside city” by the member artists to be “exhibited inside city” through diversified "No Name In Town" forms, including art galleries and pop-up exhibitions. No Name prospects that this artistic creation and dissemination mode will generate a new way of life and work.
随着第一个 No Name In Town 的正式启动,No Name 独具特色的「外城市创作 · 内城市展览」模式也初具雏形。在未来,No Name 将继续将理念付诸于实践,通过在市中心的固定展厅、快闪展览等多样化的 No Name In Town 模式,将艺术家们的「外城市创作」带到城内,为大家带来「内城市展览」。No Name 希望这一艺术创作和传播模式能使一种新的生活与工作方式成为可能。