David Rodriguez

Background 背景

Studied in France, David Rodriguez focuses on using traditional media to explore the concept of identity and genre through the spectrum of sexuality and its series of avatars. By working with his self-made or collected images in different ways, he questions the variable relations we have with our bodies and with their representations in our daily lives.

曾在法国学习的David Rodriguez专注于运用传统的媒介,通过性和其一系列的形象符号来探索身份和流派的概念。David以不同方式对自创或搜集到的图像进行处理,对我们和身体以及和身体在日常生活中表象的多变关系提出质疑。

Residency Experience 驻地经历

Obsession, sexuality, and gender have always been the subject of David's creation. In his previous works Three Races, Three Graces, he invited three women with different skin colors to do a photoshoot based on the idea of a threesome of women. Immersing himself in the peace of Zhujiajiao, David has been continuing his exploration of representations of human bodies during the residency. He expanded his subjects beyond historical figures and studied isolated body parts and gestures. David collaborated with video director, Manuel Alejandro Constantino López, photographer and videographer from Fibo Productions, Andrew Guzhavin and Alexey Gubskiy, and a group of dancers to visualize his artistic ideas and practice in the form of an interactive performance. This process of fragmentation and deconstruction allowed him to better understand the interactions and possibilities of body members, and in turn, helped him to interpret people's unique and capricious personalities. 

执迷,性,和性别一直以来都是David创作的主题。在他之前的系列作品Three Races, Three Graces中,他邀请了三位肤色不同的女性,基于女性三人行的想法进行了一次拍摄。沉浸在朱家角的宁静中,David 在驻地期间继续着他对人体表象的探索。他并没有把主题局限在历史人物上,而是将身体的不同部分和姿态分开来进行研究。David与视频导演Manuel Alejandro Constantino López,来自Fibo Productions的摄影师Andrew Guzhavin 和 Alexey Gubskiy和一组舞者合作,将他的艺术理念和实践过程以互动表演的形式记录下来。这一分离和解构的过程让他更好的理解了肢体间的互动和可能性,继而来帮助他解读人们独特且多变的性格。

David sees his residency at No Name as an experimental process of understanding what makes a good painting. By integrating a variety of ideas and techniques, the works that he presents to us can hardly be defined in a dichotomous way. Abstraction, figuration, improvised lines, and colors can all be found in (De)Constructed. The artist and curators hope visitors can reexamine their body parts without prejudice, feel and appreciate their lurking energy and beauty through the process of deconstruction.

David 把此次No Name 驻地项目视为一次实验性的探索过程,进一步的去思考怎样才能创作出一幅好的作品。通过结合不同的想法和技巧,他呈现给我们的作品很难用一种绝对对立的方法来定义。抽象,具象,即兴的线条和色彩都在此次展览中得以呈现。艺术家和策展人希望观者能够以不带偏见的眼光重新审视他们的身体,感受并欣赏身体在解构过程中潜在的能量和美。

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