Sunzeng Huang 黄孙增
Background 背景
Graduated from Wuhan Jianghan University Art College with a focused study in comprehensive painting, Sunzeng Huang is skilled in recording "trivialities" in nature and quotidian life, such as blue sky and white clouds; grass and streams; jungle and shrubs; furniture and clothes; young girls and children; etc. are elements and surroundings frequently depicted in the artworks of the promising young artist. Huang often focuses on a certain point in nature or life then magnify and refine it, but this does not mean he is a detail-oriented artisan-painter. Sunzeng Huang integrates his strong temperament of a Leo with his artworks since the very beginning of each creation: justice, courage, unyielding, unruly, etc. all faintly arguable in the quiet, calm, and deserted atmosphere of his artworks.
毕业于武汉市江汉大学艺术学院综合绘画专业的黄孙增擅长记录自然和生活中的「琐碎」,蓝天白云、青草小溪、丛林灌木、桌椅衣物、少女孩童… 都是这位青年艺术家作品中常见的元素。他惯于专注在自然或生活中的某个点,并将其放大和细化。但这并不意味着他是一个追求完美的临摹画匠。狮子座的黄孙增,在每次创作的伊始便将自身气质与作品融为一体:正义、勇气、刚强、不羁… 都在其作品的静寂清冷氛围中依稀可辩。
In the past 15 years of his professional pursuit in art, Huang’s artistic style has gradually matured. In recent years, his artworks begun to show the unique perspective of landscapes capturing and stories telling of the artist. Huang no longer presents the faces of the figures in his artworks. By depicting the figures by means of back, side, or occlusion, etc. the characters of the stories are better integrated into the nature and life scenes depicted. In Huang’s artworks, regardless of the proportion of the characters, one can explicitly feel the insignificance of man to nature, but at the same time, this tranquility also grants the viewers the power of omnipotence.
从事专业艺术创作 15 年以来,黄孙增的艺术风格逐渐趋于成熟,近年来开始展示他捕捉风景和呈现故事的独特方式。艺术家不再在作品中呈现人物的面部,以背影、侧面、或遮挡等方式呈现画面中的人物,从而将其更好地融入于所描绘的自然和生活场景之中。在他的作品中,不论人物在画面中的占比,都能明确感受到人之于自然的渺小,但同时这种静谧又之于观者一切皆可为的力量。
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